Americas Cup bidding underway

Bidding for the 2012 & 2014 MFA America Cup has commenced, and will be open until January 31, 2012. Several nations have already expressed interest in hosting the tournement, and one nation, Agnorr, has already announced that it will be bidding for the 2014 tournement.

In a conversation via the MicroWiki Forums, President Zach of Agnorr stated “we will probably start our bid for 2014”. Burkland have also expressed interest in hosting and/or playing, but simply stated “We will not decide … to go until 2012, then our decision will be made.”

Barnaby Hands, President of the MFA, stated today about bids;

“Any micronation located within North or South America can bid. They can bid to host either 2012 or 2014, or both if they so wish”.

Some rules have been outlined for host bidding, including pitch sizes. For a micronation to bid, it must shortlist 6 stadiums, the set number for a regional tournement by the MFA.

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