2012 VSML Qualification draw

The Qualifying draw for the 2012 VSML tournement has concluded. The draw, which took place in Barnabaristius, commencing at 14:00 UTC, Saw 62 microwiki sector nations drawn into various groups.

Here is the draw.

Zona, Koss, Froyar, Chipitcoland

Los Bay Petros, Fiharaya, Bascal, Aryavarat

Group A (NAPI, Emeral Isle, Gishabrun, Tiana, Secundomia, Flatland)
Group B (Montosh, Westsylvania, Burkland, Ultamiya, Samana Cay, Freedomia)
Group C (N. Republic, Kuhugstan, Kozuc, Sandus, Skendal, Agnorr)

Zealandia, Sirocco, Dranoria, FRA1, Danesland

Group A (Pristinia, Sakasaria, Erephisia, Leestan)
Group B (Juclandia, Longarnia, Francisville, Reylan)
Group C (New Anglia, Atlantis, St. Peter’s Republic, Renasia)
Group D (Nemkhavia, Proluni, Pambia, Dale Republic)
Group E (Austenasia, Flandrensis, Senya, Öokoo)
Group F (Eragia, Bürgäria, Egtavia, Craitland)
Group G (Dallingrad, Quenya, Draegon, Westland)
Group H (Von Stengel, St.Charlie, Wyvern)

2 Responses to “2012 VSML Qualification draw”
  1. dailyookkian says:

    Well Öokko was on the list, I am gladly joining this oranization!
    I readed on the microwiki site for VSML, it was an smart system for the games.
    But well, I woundering if VSML also can be played on XBOX 360, it would be nice.
    And if it is, then on FIFA or on PES???

    /Olof Persson, Prime minister of Republic of Öokko

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