Senyan government to vote on referendum to upturn “wacky” laws

The Bolivarian Party of Senya has officially handed over Bill 231111 to the Central Government, which could spell the end to some of Senya’s strangest laws.

Top Senyan officials, including Vice-President (and Dallin leader) Ewan Whitmore and Jack Stables, were quick to applaude this bill stating that it was “about time”.

The bill would end laws banning sex, American Football, and the word ‘soccer’, and would allow these to be freely practised in the country. But President Barnaby Hands has lodged concern about it. “It has been the staplemark of Senya and the laws are there to stop having sex in my back garden, hence our former suggestion to call Senya ‘backofmigadden’. It’s just absurd”.

However, foreign micronationalists, such as John Gordon and Billy Neil, have been quick to applaude the bill, having been the subject of many a mocking by foreign micronations. In March 2011, Daniel Anderson of Sirocco published an infomous Microball comic, depicting various micronations enjoying pornography, before Senya saying that there was “no sex in senya”. But this comic was quickly censored by Peter Bralesford of Egtavia, who said it “went against website regulation”.

However, for the bill to pass, it must pass a 60% majority in the Führung (government), then a referendum must succede, before finally being passed by the Senyavite, Pav.

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